Invite Staff Members to your Workspace


Inviting staff members to your workspace helps foster collaboration and manage training efficiently. In Vekta, you can invite other coaches and designate their roles as either Admin or Coach, each with different levels of permissions.

Steps to Invite Staff Members

  1. Access Workspace Settings:

    • Navigate to the settings of your workspace by selecting the workspace name from the top navigation bar and choosing the settings icon.

  2. Send an Invitation:

    • In the settings menu, find the “Invite Staff” section.

    • Enter the email address of the coach you want to invite.

    • Choose their role: Admin or Coach.

Understanding Staff Roles

  • Admins:

    • Have full permissions within the workspace.

    • Can invite both athletes and other coaches.

    • Are able to organize groups and edit any training session or detail for all athletes.

  • Coaches:

    • Can invite athletes and create sessions for all athletes.

    • Can only edit the sessions and elements they have created.