AI-powered Training Structure Generator


Vekta leverages Generative AI models to create detailed, customized training structures that are automatically synced to your devices.

The model takes as input your session’s Title, Description, and the training zones you’ve defined. Based on these inputs, it generates the associated structure.

Key Specificities:

  • Step Duration: Each step can be set by time, distance, or left unspecified.

  • Intensity: Define intensity by watts, heart rate, CP percentage, or by selecting from Vekta’s zones or your custom training zones.

  • Cadence Target: Optionally set cadence targets for each step as desired.

  • Session Targets: Specify session RPE (Rating of Perceived Exertion), total elevation gain, or total work.

  • Predicted Training Stimulus and Metrics: The AI predicts a training stimulus, which you can adjust manually. It also estimates key metrics such as total duration, average power, Volume and Intensity.


  • 1h30 with VO2max Efforts & Sprints: 30-minute warm-up; 5 x 3 minutes at 400W with 2 minutes recovery; 30 minutes at a steady endurance pace; finish with 5 x 10-second sprints, 50 seconds recovery.

  • 3-Hour Ride with Anaerobic Efforts: Complete 6 x 30-second maximum power intervals spaced throughout the session.

  • 1h15 Over-Under Intervals: 15-minute warm-up, then 6 x 5-minute over-under intervals (2 minutes at 105% CP, 3 minutes at 90% CP) with 5-minute recoveries; 15-minute cool-down; RPE 7.

Nested Structure Example (Max Depth of 2):

  • 1h HIIT Session: 10-minute warm-up, followed by 2 x (5 x 1-minute VO2max intervals with 1-minute recovery) and 5-minute recovery between sets, ending with a 10-minute cool-down.